Product Design Sprint.
A Product Design Sprint is a concise, 5-day workshop that applies the principles of design thinking to mitigate the inherent risks associated with product launches. Each day of the sprint aligns with a specific phase of problem-solving, facilitating a comprehensive grasp of your business's concepts and requirements.

Days / phases
Day 1: Understand
On day one, the focus lies in comprehending the user requirements, business necessities, and technological capabilities. Conversations during this phase are pivotal for outlining a plan for the sprint week. Initial steps involve establishing long-term objectives, hurdles, and complexities. Various exercises are conducted to gain a comprehensive understanding of the problem. By the end of the day, you determine the primary objective you aim to accomplish during the sprint.
Day 3: Converge
Now, we have lots of ideas that the team thought of in the last two stages. The team's job is to find the best ideas and choose which ones we'll make a first version of in the next step. We'll look at each idea carefully to see if it fits with the main goal. Using the ideas we picked, we'll draw a plan for making a first sample.
Day 2: Diverge
On the second day, our main goal is to come up with lots of ideas. We start by looking at solutions that are already out there and what's good or not so good about them. Then, everyone in the team does some activities to come up with new ideas and thoughts. We have brainstorming sessions and each team member suggests their own ideas. We'll take a closer look at these ideas and test them later on.
Day 4: Prototype
On the fourth day, it’s time to put all that the team developed into practice. You will turn your storyboard into a prototype – a realistic artifact you will then test with a customer. The main assumption here is that you will only build the customer-facing surface of your product or service. In this way, the prototype will be up and running in just one day – ready for review in the final stage.
Day 5: Test
GV calls this phase the “moment of truth”. This is when you test the ideas with users, business stakeholders, and technical experts and hear direct feedback from them. This stage will validate your solutions before you start spending your money on designing and developing an actual product. At the end of the fifth day, you’ll have a clear idea of what you should do next.
After the design Sprint…
In the following weeks, our team will send you a detailed report from the workshops with all materials and canvases digitised including:
Lo-fi prototypes for some of the user stories,
A project roadmap, broken down into phases,
Pre-defined tasks for each phase,
User journey maps, storyboards, and information architecture diagrams.